foreign language
My first language is Brazilian Portuguese.
A friend of mine once said that, to him, Portuguese was noise. He was not criticizing the language. He had a good point.
Any other language not your own is noise in the beginning.
The way I speak Portuguese is different from the way I speak English or Spanish.
In Portuguese, I can be more emotional while explaining things or telling a story. I give words their necessary weight or find better ones. It makes all the difference in a conversation.
When I speak in English, there is a lack of vocabulary. All sounds superficial and maybe silly, without any deep meaning.
It is like a person that doesn’t know how to tell a good joke.
It is complicated to express any experience or share a feeling in a language that is not yours.
Maybe we need a better vocabulary to become more natural.
Also, emotionally connected to the language.
Maybe I should read more non-tech content, more poetry?